

FIFA Ranking Welsh first nine ultra England





FIFA Ranking Welsh first nine ultra England

FIFA announced the latest national rankings, Wales 9, the pressure over the No. 10 England, this is the first time in history. And four years ago, Fifa 16 monete it ranked 117 in Wales, however, this ranking was even lower than the vipfifa16 Fifa Coins Chinese team a lot of the top 100.

In the European preliminaries this morning carried out, Wales beat Cyprus 1-0, Bell scored 82 minutes into the lore, the European preliminaries 7 cruised integral Wales reached 17 points, continued to beat the top ranked team in Belgium, the lead is 3 points. According to the current momentum, Welsh identity in order to qualify for the first group of the European Cup finals will be just around the corner.

Welsh splendid record in the near future, which makes their FIFA ranking rushed jump up, has just been published in the September FIFA Buy fifa 16 coins rankings, Wales continues to dominate the ninth, although they did not change the rankings, but England never ranked eighth fell Article 10, which makes Wales beat England. According to statistics, since 1993 after the introduction of the FIFA rankings, the first time this happens. Wales beat England ranked only, in fact, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and other teams are also ranked behind them. In September 2011, ranked 117 in Wales, but also in just four years, their record get a huge boost, rank natural increase.

Although Wales in the European preliminaries good prospects, FIFA rankings ranked in the top 10, but Wales coach Coleman was modest, "he said ranking improved gave us great confidence, because our ranking was very low, which makes us very embarrassed, but now, we are doing very well, for this position, saying that people can be different, but the players deserve this honor. "" Of course, there is no guarantee that we enter the ranks of the European Cup in France. We need to make unusual achievements, successfully broke into the European Cup. "




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